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Katie Koutnik

15 Minute Workouts that Still Give you Results!

Does it feel like you never have time to get a workout in between rushing the kids off to school, getting to work on time and coordinating those car pools for after school activities? Maybe you’ve set your alarm in the past, to make it to those early morning classes at the gym, but your sleep is really important to you and you know you function better with a good night’s rest with that extra hour or two of sleep. I’ve struggled with this too and knew there had to be a better way to get in a workout without losing sleep. Here’s my recommendations for how to take 15 minutes out of your day and still get a workout that gives you results.

1. Group 3 exercises together for 30 seconds each (total 9 exercises)

2. Complete 3 rounds each group

3. Rest 90 seconds between groups

Example: Group 1-lunges/crunches/bicep curls

Group 2-glute bridge/pushups/full situp

Group 3-squat /plank hold/tricep curls.

You might be thinking a 15 minute workout doesn’t really count, especially if you didn’t really feel sweaty, burn x amount of calories, do intense cardio, or feel sore the next day. Do you think a 15 minute workout counts?

A workout doesn’t need to be long, you don’t need to be sweaty and you can still get a good workout without feeling sore the next day. In fact, recovery depends on hydration, adequate sleep and refueling your body within 30-45 minutes. Hours of intense cardio can cause you to lose muscle, reduce your metabolism, and overdoing it can have the opposite effect on your hormones, leading to excess cortisol.

Short, high-intensity workouts can reap amazing benefits on your overall health such as building muscle mass, improving your metabolism, preventing disease and even adding years to your life. It doesn’t take a large chunk of time and 15 minutes is more likely to keep you consistent and motivated on a daily basis.

If you feel like you need more support with your workouts, ask me about my favorite app by sending me a DM on instagram @katiekoutnik.

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