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Katie Koutnik

10 Tips to Keep Food Fresh and Last Longer

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

You're determined to eat more whole fruits and vegetables because you know they make you feel better, helps you manage the weight, and your skin glows better with them in your life. But, you're sick of coming home with these fresh foods only to leave them to die in the back of your fridge a week later. Check out my 10 tips below on how to keep food fresh and last longer.

  1. Lettuce. Rinse the lettuce, wrap in paper towel and store in plastic bag or storage container. You can remove paper towel every few days and replace to help your lettuce last for up to 10 days, making sure the paper towel is damp so that the leaves don't absorb the moisture too quickly.

  2. Celery and Carrots. Rinse, cut stalk into slices and place in a large container filled with water. Submerge celery and carrots into water (separate containers). Celery and carrots can last up to 2 weeks with this method.

  3. Bananas. If your bananas come pre-wrapped at the stems, leave them that way. This is because the ethylene emitted from the stem may travel down and ripen the banana. Also, keep them away from other fruits that are already ripened as this may speed up process for the bananas too. And, for those ripened bananas, I like to peel them, place in a plastic bag and freeze to put in smoothies at a later time.

  4. Berries. Wash, slice and place into glass jars. Pro tip: Pop any discolored strawberries into a bowl of ice for 20 minutes and bring back their redness!

  5. Fresh herbs: cilantro, parsley, sage, mint, basil. Place cut ends into a glass of water to keep them stronger. For longer storage (up to 6 months), place herbs into a blender with olive oil and then pour into ice cube trays and place in freezer for perfect Tbsp size!

  6. Broccoli. Choose broccoli with firm stalks, tight florets and crisp leaves. Do not wash before storing. Keep in tight plastic wrap or plastic bag and remove as much air as possible. Place in fridge for up to 10 days.

  7. Peppers. Keep whole, unwashed peppers in fridge for 7-10 days. Include damp towel in veggie compartment to maintain moisture.

  8. Avocados. Once ripened, storage in the fridge for up to 7 days.

  9. Tomatoes. Keep at room temperature and out of sunlight. To slow the ripening process, keep in a paper bag. Do not cut tomato prior to storage.

  10. Cucumbers. Do not leave out at room temperature, they will become limp and wilt. Place in fridge for up to 7 days.

I hope you find these tips helpful and encouraging to keep whole foods in your diet without them spoiling in your fridge! And, if you want more information on eating healthy and saving money see my other blog on "How to Eat Healthy, Organic Foods without Breaking the Bank"


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